Shen Shiatsu
Shen Shiatsu is a unique approach. It is a synthesis of Shiatsu – poetry of movement and Osteopathy – poetry of rhythms.
Shen Shiatsu focuses on consciously perceiving and touching the three realities of the body that auto-regulate individually as well as globally. We find the mechanical reality within the tissue structures of the musculo-skeletal system allowing us to move and the dynamic reality within the liquids that circulate in the body and that constitute around 70% of our body mass. We can also perceive and contact the energetic reality found within the electro-magnetic fields, which surround and permeate the tissue structures, the fluids and the nervous system.
This focus manifests through the listening hands and the open heart of the Shen Master Practitioner who can thus stimulate the self-healing powers of the body.
The Shen Master Practitioner is capable of balancing and coordinating the different realities and structures of the body by communicating with the major self-regulating systems found within any human being.
The musculo-skeletal system
The inner and outer alignment
The client is first assessed standing, being viewed from all sides in order to elaborate the treatment strategy or plan.
During this session, the work focuses on freeing up the key points in the axial and appendicular skeleton. Thus the body regains freedom of movement, can realign and move back into balance more easily
The cranio-sacral system
Deceleration, depth, perspective and opportunities to shift
During a cranio-sacral session we dive into the realm of the slow rhythms.
The potency of the liquids within a healthy body feels powerful, vital and light. Stress, accidents or emotional imbalance can lead to stagnation within the meningeal membranes as well as within the cerebro-spinal fluid. This can cause fatigue, lack of concentration, headaches and digestive problems. Even worse, it can restrict or inhibit the expression of our vitality. During a cranial session we focus on freeing up the stagnations within the fluid continuum, thus allowing the tissues to relax and regenerate. The gentle and listening hands land, synchronize, flush and pulsate with the eternal tides of the deep rhythms.
The fascial system
Functional units and balance
Every structure in the body is surrounded and enveloped by fascia, also known as connective tissue. Fascia fulfills the role of stabilizing and keeping the body in shape and supple.
Fascias transmit, coordinate, harmonize, distribute and regulate all the tensions and pressures in the body. Shock and trauma, accidents, scars, habits, inflammations and other dysfunctions can lead to adhesions within the tissues. We can often feel these adhesions as tensions, aches and pains or as lack of adaptation in our fruitless fight against gravity. Reciprocal tension gives us the possibility to contact the fascial system very deeply, either through pressure or traction. As soon as our tissue structures regain their capacity to glide freely, we feel much lighter and naturally hold ourselves upright. We can start using gravity to our advantage instead of fighting it. We become more flexible and more vital. Working with the fascia also implies that we mobilize and vitalize scar tissue, which represents a primary lesion of this highly sensitive connective tissue network.
The pressure system
Balancing pressures between cavities serves as a magic key for integration.
The body is made of five main pressure chambers, which are all connected. We have the cranium, the thorax, the abdomen, the pelvis and the spine.
These pressure chambers continually balance themselves and each other. Thus, they regulate the circulation of the cerebro-spinal fluids, the blood and lymph flow, the intake of oxygen and elimination of carbon dioxide, as well as all the other fluids of the body.
Everyday life can be flooded with stimuli thus leading to stress and extreme pressures in certain areas of the body. And if we find areas of extreme pressure, we also find areas lacking pressure, henceforth the need to balance and regulate the pressures throughout the main cavities. Once the cavities can communicate more efficiently, the body’s self-regulating systems function more properly and also enhance the person’s ability to breathe and regenerate.
The visceral system
The power of transformation
Working with the organs is communicating directly with the physiology of the body. And to work with the digestive tract, is to contact one of the primarily developed physiological systems.
Someone once wrote: “No other system in the body has been designed to take as much abuse as the digestive system.” Ask yourself the following: How much food and drink have I already ingurgitated during my lifetime?
The precise treatment of the digestive tract, as well as the associated organs, opens new doors of perception. We become aware of the power of transformation that lies within the organs, capable of transforming nutrition into energy.
The cardio-vascular system
The fulcrum of all systems
The central nervous system
The origin of Being
By touching the energy system, we return to the source of being.
At the source, the body-soul-spirit continuum regulates from inside out and outside in. Here, the art of touch focuses on reconnecting the head, heart and hara as well as the spirit, the soul and the body. The deep contact with the breath of life allows us to reconnect with our essence and to return back home, into our heart. In this reality, our hands unite and integrate rhythm, flow and continuity, as well as stillness, focus and creativity. The receiver and the giver merge with the eternal tides of change, they realign, reorganize and unfold like the blossoms of the cherry trees in spring.
Another corner stone tool of the Shen Master Practitioner is integration. If three, four or more systems are perceived and touched, it is possible to activate and synergize the self-healing powers of the body. Joy and happiness, movement and stillness, inspiration and lightness all become accessible, once the body-soul-spirit continuum is in harmony with itself and the universe.
Shen Master seesions are mostly practiced on a table or a futon. The receiver is in underwear or wears light cotton clothes.
Who profits from Shen Shiatsu?
Shen Shiatsu is for humans of all ages and walks of life, thriving to improve their health and wellbeing
It can be also used as a complementary therapy when being treated for disease and dysfunctions of the body. Shen Shiatsu can have a very positive influence on chronic or acute conditions, emotional stress, life crisis, as well as shock or trauma. Shen Shiatsu can really support and accelerate the healing process after sickness or accidents. It serves to promote health and the development of the personal potential contained within each one of us.
Shen Shiatsu can positively support and help improve:
- Fatigue
- Burn out
- Joint problems
- Headaches and migraines
- Neck- and shoulder pain
- Restless legs and other nervous system dysfunctions
- Back pain
- Sleep disorders
- Whiplash injury
- Shock and trauma
- Digestion problems
- Vegetative disorders
- Menopause and andropause
- Pregnancy and preparation for birth
The client experiences a deep relaxation and reconnection to the core during and after the session. Vitality, lightness, space, stillness, warmth, openness and clarity are just a few of the sensations clients report experiencing.